, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 BLACK WOMEN AND THEIR HAIR: Black women and their hair

Black women and their hair

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Black women have for ages been made to feel inferior because they had kinky hair and not straight hair like many women of different races . Some have been brainwashed to the point that they feel ashamed of their hair.

The hair-making industries have made sure to rub this in by producing hair creams and relaxers to straighten out the kinks.

As if those were not enough they have made extensions for black women making young women believe that straight hair should be the norm.

Along with these, they have created hairstyles magazines with women's hairstyles and hair pictures suggesting that we should wear them to look beautiful. Now they show black women's hairstyles to include sculptured cuts the style now in vogue that runs simultaneously with hair

They have even produced hair magazines with wedding hairstyles for black women. The styles are either created with hair extensions or processed to look straight. Very few seem to cater to the natural black woman's hair which is usually short and kinky to see how they can make it look beautiful in its natural state.

The hair dye industries are also making a fortune from us black women. They all suggest a hair make-over. They have somehow convinced us that we should have straight hair with various hairs colours from red to blond to white, you name a color they have manufactured it for us black girls..

So often I see my very dark Nubian sisters sporting straight, blond hair on heads where once lovely dark woolen tress graced. The hair bleaching products industries are having a field day making millions of dollars from black women’s changing their once dark hair t0 match their white counterparts.(black blonds)

The final result is black women's hair is so processed that the hair gets damaged; Resulting in hair loss and in extreme cases complete baldness.

Then comes the time for hair pieces and wigs these have extended to black men's hair as .well They also suffer from hair loss. They too have suffered from the supple brainwashed ideas that they will get women's attention if they have straight or semi-straight hair and have been bombarded with the use of hair relaxers and hair dyes.

At this stage, the hair industries have another party,off they go again creating hair products aimed at correcting the problem. Many are labeled under the caption women's beauty products. Some are classified as hair growth products all guaranteed to give us long hair.

In recent times the advertisements are all jumping onto the natural elements bandwagon. Hair products labels are now reading all-natural hair products made from the natural organic grown plants and herbs that black women used to use in ancient times.

Black women can have long hair if they wish, their own natural hair, no hair restoration products, no human or synthetic extension needed.

One sure way for us women with real Afro hair to have long flowing hair is through the process of locking. a process developed by the Rastafarian. We will have more hair than we will ever need.

No other race can do this as successful as the Afro-American, Caribbean, African black woman

Read the story of black women's hair

Africian Caribbean Hair

Learn How To lock your hair

Sell your digital products

Nice dreads A great book

Money Making Opportunities For Black Women

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