, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 BLACK WOMEN AND THEIR HAIR: 4 Pitfalls That You Should Avoid When You Want To Lose Weight

4 Pitfalls That You Should Avoid When You Want To Lose Weight

If you want to get in shape, it is only understandable to feel tempted towards following less nobler routes to lose weight including taking up smoking, skipping meals or working out too much instead of following safe weight loss methods that will not harm you. Yet, even though most of these techniques may provide you with fast and immediate weight loss, the bulk of these techniques can have long term dangers to your health, body and mental state.

Below we review the 4 worst tips to losing weight


The nicotine in cigarettes may cause appetite suppression, helping you to burn up to additional two hundred calories per day by increasing your metabolic rate. However taken over the long term, cigarettes can raise your risk of heart disease, strokes and emphysema.

If you want to quit smoking and prevent weight gain, there are alternative strategies you can utilise to help you lose weight and quit smoking. Working out vigorously for 30 minutes per day for example can help you to burn these same two hundred calories. Whilst consuming 5-8 minute dinners a day can help to strengthen your metabolic rate and keep your hunger at bay.


Witnessed most amongst overweight teenage girls; sticking a stick down your throat or taking Ipecac a purging aid to help make yourself vomit is an incredible risky way to lose excess lbs. Aside from causingeating disorders such as bulimia, purging can result in bad teeth, gum disease, heart failure and even death.

Working Out Too Much

It is possible to workout too much and actually put weight on. Studies have unveiled that individuals who workout too much are at risk of eating too much once they are back home. Similarly, strain yourself too much at the gym and you risk becoming tiredand prone to injuries.

Instead of over exerting yourself, try to split your workouts into 5 sizable daily workouts with at least 2 days of rest. This will give you time to recover from the exertion, plus help to support your metabolism and stop unwanted sugar cravings.

Starving Yourself

Possibly the most utilised unhealthy method for losing weight, the danger with starvation is once you eat again, it is easy to quickly put this weight back on as your body thinks it has survived a famine. Similarly, make your body an extended starvation and this can result in severe damage to your body/organs, fatigue, confusion and even death.

If you feel that you need to eliminate food from your diet yourself in order to lose weight, attempt to go on an occasional ritual fast where you limit your nutrient content to less than 1,000 calories a day for 3 days. This will help your body to harness your fat stores and lose weight healthily. (Please note: we strongly recommend that you DO NOT try this technique).

Alternatively, if you are really struggling to lose weight and enhance your diet, why not contemplate trying a herbal pill? Some of the best dietary supplements can give you with the support you require to reduce your fat content by 28% whilst curbing your hunger levels and minimising your cholesterol levels.

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