, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 BLACK WOMEN AND THEIR HAIR: Treatments For Breasts Stretch Marks

Treatments For Breasts Stretch Marks

Stretch marks on breasts are something which a number or women worry about, especially those who are pregnant or who will be trying to lose weight. Stretch marks can be defined as fine lines that appear on areas of the body such as the thighs and legs, bottom, belly and breasts. These fine lines generally run parallel on the body; on first appearance they're reddish marks, which eventually turn to white colored lines over a period of time. Stretch marks on breasts commonly show up if the breast tissues are stretched excessively in just a short time period. Medically, stretch marks are termed as ‘stria.’

There are three primary layers that make up the skin, which are the subcutaneous layer (inner layer), the dermis (middle layer) as well as the epidermis (surface). The dermis is the layer that is made of up blood vessels, and is also responsible for supporting and supplying the cells of the epidermis with the nutrients they need to enable the skin to remain firm. The dermis is also the layer where stretch marks occur. This middle layer is made up of fibers which allow your skin to stretch, once these fibers begin to stretch during a period of time and lose strength, they are going to eventually break and stretch marks will appear.

Currently, there are a number of solutions available that claim they are going to help to treat stretch marks. Most of these products not only prevent stretch marks on the arms, shoulder, bum and upper thighs, but they can also prevent and remedy stretch marks on breasts. Stretch marks on any particular area of the body can be prevented and treated by using homemade remedies, cosmetic creams and laser surgery.

The most effective method you can use to treat stretch marks on breasts is laser treatment; however, it is also the more costly way of stretch mark removal. Creams that have ingredients like Alpha Hydrox Acids (AHAs) and Retin or Tretinoin can also be used to help treat and prevent stretch marks. When massaged to the skin, these ingredients reach to the dermis and increase collagen production; therefore, lowering the appearance of stretch marks. However, creams that have Retin or Tretinoin mustn't be used by expectant women.

There are also home cures that you can use to get rid of stretch marks on breasts. These home cures include eating meals such as eggs, vegetables and fruits, vitamins A and E and zinc.

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