, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 BLACK WOMEN AND THEIR HAIR: How to become a successful and powerful woman

How to become a successful and powerful woman

Are you one of those black women who is determined to press ahead. Do you seek to excel in your job and get promotion after promotion. While listening to Profiles hosted by Ian Bowen one of Jamaica most admired journalist  on his programme profiles when he hosted the women who came to Jamaica to keep a seminar on something relating  to the empowerment women at the work place. I was quite amazed at some of the things she said was necessary for one to become successful powerful.The bad thing about all of this I was so busy on my computer that I did not give the interview my full attention.

The number one thing is to make sure you get forward in the Job is to

1. Suck Up. Yes Suck up. You must suck up to your Boss. This ensures that you know what is happening on the inside. This is something that many women swear they will not do but it is the first step to success.

2. Surround yourself with people who are good at their Job. These are the people who matters. They are called support staff. They are the ones who will make things happen. Make sure they are in your corner.

3. Always remember never to let your supervisor feel as if you are trying to usurp his/her position. You must be a very supportive staff. Be an asset, do the work let him take the glory.Others will see it.

4. Always remember to wait your turn, be like men they know how to play the waiting game and how to wait their turn.The power game works

5. Never back bite or gossip about the person above you. Remember you are aiming to be Boss one day.

6. Never say it isn’t fair nothing is fair everybody knows it but none wants to be reminded of it and it makes you lose power.

7. If you are in a man world or even a woman’s world be prepared to get put down. Never show your emotions.

   Listening to another inteview of Ian Bowen with  a young man who has achieved  a whole lot at the age  of 36. He said as a child his father told him to dress himself in the clothing he will wear of the person he will be. He said he started putting on suits because he wanted to be a CEO of a big company.However his father said not so .He was to dress his mind in the suit he will wear as the CEO.

At present you are at  point A .It is time to visualalize  the future and dress your thoughts for point B.

Here is something else that is important to power women;
If you are put down by your boss never look down hold your head straight or better yet look up.
Holding you head down let you get intouch with your emotions and you are likely to shed tears.

Never lose your cool with your boss. If you are really mad fain an excuse to move from the situation. If you remove yourself you are better able to keep your cool.

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